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Text from CpatainXero's post  

"Hey Hey!

It's the end of the year and Dinner-Kun and I haven't done a big 'ol update since June.  With 2021 on the horizon and many of us hoping for a far-improved next year to look forward to, it was the right time to go back and reflect on the good of this past year in the world of DK and I's collaborations.  How do I know it was pretty good?  Well, between all of the content we post on Patreon, DeviantArt and Twitter, we were able to release a whopping 60 stories, picture packs and so-on.  That's kinda nuts.  I always knew the two of us worked hard and without strokin' each other off too much, even I didn't realize in the active moments working on everything that we released so much.

As always, it's a pleasure for each and every single one of those releases to be able to go and make the stories and pictures that the two of us love to make for you all.  I don't think I can say that we're grateful enough considering I tend to say it with most of these posts, but I write it out because we genuinely can't be here without all the support you guys give us across all of our websites.  2020 certainly sucked for most, but that we were still able to perhaps bring you all a little bit of fun and comfort throughout is something I hope we were able to accomplish.  Being able to sit and focus on our work on my end was of the brighter highlights of this year and knowing what we have in store for you all going into 2021 gets me excited for the future of DKCX content as a whole.

Speaking of that, as a matter of fact why don't Dinner-Kun and I give you guys a bit of a sneak peek at where some of our adventures next year bring us!

- We'll be having a small sale in January.  It was back in March that we last had our Lockdown sale, so why not start off 2021 with a nice and cheaper way to get some of our content for a little bit.

- In a first, we'll also be attempting to do our first ever donation growth-drive.  While I'm no stranger to the concept, this would be Dinner-Kun 's first attempt at one and it's something we've both thought of as a chance to do something interesting with donation incentives and audience participation.  It certainly won't just be pay-to-get-big, the introduction to the story has already been rendered and prepared for when we begin.  We're still planning out the details as well as why we decided to do one more specifically in the first place, but we'll save all that nitty-gritty for when we start the drive off proper.

- As for the stories we have going at the moment, Nature and Nurture is coming to its conclusion shortly, but if you think that's the last we'll see of Celica and her concubines you're gravely mistaken.  Celica appears to have a major foothold now in the story, perhaps one bigger than she realizes.  Arya still has yet to come to grips with her own issues with her lesser powers and abilities and I'm sure Celica rubbing all of that in her face will shake her up further.

- The Tales from the Inn will be a few different mini-series placed out between larger stories.  The girls of the Artemis Inn certainly don't get along all the way, so seeing some of their hijinx trying to make it all work together is a fun way to break up some of the longer series we have planned.  There will certainly be some big changes in store for the girls of the Artemis as well, but some Amazonian slice of life is fun to witness!

- The Pale Curse 2 is also almost over, but we'll be keeping our Thursday slot exclusively for more Twitter stories that let us release some public futa-themed content we can't really get away with on DA or other places.  Once we really started attempting futa-content over on Patreon at first about a year ago it was pretty much accepted with open arms, so it's fun to be able to have that little slice out there for the people who enjoy it without it getting in the way of those that might not.  That most likely still means we won't be releasing any futa-themed main stories onto our Patreon, but things like our Thursday stories and our futa packs will get to shine that much more.

- Speaking of Patreon, this coming year we'll be seeing the end of All-Natural.  It's been a fun, large and excessively milky journey with the farm but we'll be seeing to the end of that series as GWPW takes the major "longterm" slot.  Much like Project: Izanagi, All-Natural has been going for quite a long while now and we're about to reach the apex.  Meanwhile,  GWPW has just started to get its footing down and, as a longtime Pro-Wrasslin' fan myself, the opportunity to tell a story about it is something I've wanted to do for years, so this one has a ton of particular love coming from it.  We'll be keeping a close eye on how people enjoy it, as for the moment I can say while it's a longterm story, it most likely won't go beyond double-digits unless people really enjoy it and really want to see it move forward.

- Picture packs and futa packs will also get a bit more experimental this coming year.  We always try to take what's going on in the main stories (Such as GWPW's smaller scale and introduction in Part 1) and intermingle it with the thematics of the picture packs (Having some large, growing hijinx) so everybody gets a little more of what they like.  While we won't be changing that this year, we might play around more with the growth and themes of the packs a bit more, not shying away from seeing how people react to different types of growth within' the same stories, or trying some new types of growth all-together.

While that's a fair bit of a look into the future, we also still have one more thing!

[Poll Link Here]

We've made a poll to get a bit feedback from you guys!  For the most part whenever we ask people tend to be pretty chill with enjoying our things, but we'd like to hear more from you guys and would love to get a bit more deeper feedback!

Once again, Dinner-Kun and I can't thank you guys enough for making our works some of the brightest moments of this year.  Hopefully we can all look forward to 2021 being a time we can all actively sigh a breath of relief and actively go out a bit more and not have to worry about the collective stress that might be out there for us.  For now though, have a wonderful holiday season and like always, enjoy big ladies :U"



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