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Peg and a tiny helping Pete






Your works always blow me away QvQ BIG inspiration 😭


I need to stop checking my patreon as part of my morning routine… ‘Cause fucking hell Kinky, I was having a chill morning then boom, catastrophically horny! The whiplash was so intense I’m actually tearing up a little lol. I’m all tingly and shit. This image is just pure, concentrated horny and I fucking love it. I can just feel the heat radiating off her ass. The angle, the pose, the colors, the texture, Peg and Pete’s expressions (especially Peg’s expression in the main panel), all great; all contributing to the “hotness” of the image. I can’t look at it without feeling my throat tighten a little. Instant mood setter.


Buffer. ‘Cause for some reason patreon sometimes shows the first reply to a comment. I typed up a lot and didn’t want to cut any of it, so I’m posting the rest in replies.


I love how this two parter plays with heat. How the use of color literally gets warmer as you go from left to right (both in each individual image AND when both images are placed side by side), and how the eroticism of the comic coincides with this increase in temperature. These subtle details are always all over your work and I love noticing them; they always add even more enjoyment to viewing each of your illustrations… once I adjust to my staggered breathing and increased heart rate, of course lol. These last two images are definitely in my top 5 favorite things you’ve made so far; they might even compete with your brilliant Bridget pic for my #1 top spot. I know I say stuff like this a lot, but it’s always true. You keep consistently improving little by little and one upping yourself along the way. It’s honestly inspiring. I can’t wait to see what my next new favorite from you will be lol. Excellent work Kinky!💕

Da Mister Finch

All I can say is "Gwarsh, Pete, I didn't know you were such a Sphincter Spelunker! Hyuck!!"