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  • whostheingredientnow.mp4



i think i forgor to post the June pool, this is from March sketch request, yet i saw many of you commented twice on the march one, so idk if i take the June one from there or i post the pools again...but i also gtta post the july pools!




Yeah pools got delayed again. If you’re looking for feedback then imo you should either: 1. Pick two winners from the each of the May pools, then post the July pools. 2. Pick one winner from the May pools, then post the June/July pools and let us post two requests per pool and pick two winners from them. I’m fine with either, do whatever seems easier/more convenient for you now.


Love the angle and the colors. Really makes her more intimidating lol

Guts Of Rivia

Seems the good doctor might need a hospital himself. (If there is anything left of him).