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Ogawa, Sumireko from "Mysterious Disappearances" Classic situation in which a Tiny is used instead of a rag to wipe sweat from under her breasts. Maybe play with the theme of the mystery/curse series


-Melany from Karbo’s Felarya enjoying the beginning of digesting an unsuspecting traveler. -Red Mountain Dragoness (from dnd) in giantess form under a mountain keep protecting her treasure by defeating a dnd party. A bard between the boobs, a paladin under her crushing palm, a knight within her gurgling stomach, and cleric with butthole. -Tana (from the Same universe as Gina) rubbing her upset stomach as a disobedient snack rummages around inside her stomach, creating indigestion within her stomach. (Along with having other digested knight and warrior remains in there :3) (Self insert any with my tiny :3)