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After the practice, Nijika and Ryo were once again alone.

"They already left, uh?" Started Nijika.

"Yeah... They were quite in a hurry. Maybe they had one of their gym date." Replied Ryo

"Gym date? What's that?"

"Well, they seem to like going there together. And when lately they didn't went together, Kita looked quite down." Ryo replied, slacking off while Nijika was putting everything in order.

"A little help wouldn't hurt...

Still, those two became so impressive... The crowd love them and... next to them, we look a bit out of place, if they even see us.

Well, I know is something a bit silly to say...

So, let's go to change, the practice alone already makes me sweaty, but next to them the air feels even hotter!"

Arrived to the back, breaking the quite atmosphere, Ryo started to speak.

"If that bothers you so much, why don't starting training like them? Kita invited us in the past, before inflating so much, but you declined."

"Well, is that... If I should start it, I want to convince a certain lazy person to do that with me." Nijika avoided her gaze a bit with a slight blush.

"So cute, don't want to be alone? And who would be this lazy person? smirk


"So, you are so interested to see me buff? Ryo's smirk intensify

"E-Eh? I-Isn't that..."

"Well, after all, I think I've an aptitude for that too.

Even without any training I've quite a nice shape right?" Ryo lifted her shirt, showing a nice firm and toned belly with some abs slightly showing, Waiting for just the smaller amount of training reach a perfect form.

"It's really a mystery to me how a lazy bum like you can have such a perfect shape..." Nijika replied, almost annoyed, but without shifting her eyes from there.

"You like them, uh~?

Well, I suppose there are people who have better genes than others, and probably I'm one of those."

"Tsk... So, why don't we try to do that together...?

"Nah, too tiring. But, I have a better idea~"



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