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Giving life signals

Nanachi model is done, it took a very long time, I did the most accurate helmet and everything I could, as well a best balance between fur feeling and actual usable model I managed.  Realtime screens, she has good topo and the coat is all neatly modeled. I'm very happy with the result.

Since she was made thanks to a sponsor (explained in previous posts) I'll give that person some leeway exclusive time with the model before upload to all applicable patrons. 

I will use that meantime to pose and make renders for her so there is some variety of content as usual.

I had plans for a different model for october but everything is running so behind due to various unforeseen life circumstances I'm not sure what will be feasible or not anymore. I had considered skipping doing any nanachi render to do some other character but I think it would be a shame to not give her some deserved content. It's really fustrating that after adjusting all my schedule when I finished Iruru shit happened and I'm behind again. But at least know that I always strive for quality for my supporters over quantity. 




Looks really good.