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I'm done with all the sculpting and variations, but I still need to pump out and compile all the renders. I tried to make enough so that even if I cant do a print, at least there will be lots of variations. It's single pose but I made lots of stuff like accessories (magic cylinders, will also be in the model files) and magical girl color effects and stuff. I want everyone to enjoy the simwsuit and ponytail so the exclusive tier will get some of the silly stuff likely including futa. 

Anyway to the point, I don't think I will be done before the end of the month, but I think it will not be delayed much beyond that. 

Like always, remember that even if you downgrade or delete your pledge I will still send you all your owed rewards even if it goes past the end the month

I will also make a post and think over how the 3d print tier works, as we have moved over time to much more complete and task intensive 3d models and poses, that make the prints harder or not possible. (3d prints are a job on itself, I feel bad struggling to only offer hobby quality splitting due to all the time constraints). Plus not many people go for them. (90%+ will skip the print if they can get only the renders or the model). But again I don't want to let anyone down. Need to think about it. 


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