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In a slight change of plan this week, Raging Swan Press hurls the Goblins of the Death Rune into your inbox.

The original plan was to release the Dread Laironomicon this week, but I spotted a minor problem with the book’s physical print cover. It’s a really minor problem; apparently, all blacks are not equal, but once I saw the problem, I had to fix it.

I hope the short delay is not a huge problem for you. If you are at the $5 and up levels and desperately need the book’s PDF, drop me a line here, and I’ll leap into action.

In any event, I hope/I’m confident you’ll enjoy Goblins of the Death Rune. These little, magic-obsessed blighters will be “fun” additions to your campaign.

About the Death Rune Goblins

The deranged Goblins of the Death Rune dwell in the old, flooded gnomish minehold of Glimmerstone. Obsessed with magic, the goblins hunt wizards, sorcerers and warlocks and force their doomed captives to add their knowledge to the tribe’s store of eldritch power. But dark things dwell in Glimmerstone’s flooded depths, and the goblins’ depredations may yet hold the seeds of their own destruction…

Where’s My Stuff?

(I apologise if your weekly message is getting oddly formatted. I’m not sure why this is happening, but I’m exploring different options to fix the problem).

By the time you read this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you.

The maps for Goblins of the Death Rune are attached to this post.

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2024. I hope our books make your GMing life easier and more fun. (And I hope your players have more fun!) Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here with us on Patreon.

Magic-obsessed goblins + Tentacles = better.

Creighton Publisher of Useful Items



Gobbos! You can't never have enough of those little pesties. Will have to read this newes publication right away - and who knows perhaps The Death Rune Goblins may already tomorrow bring fear to my players!