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I am jolly excited to finally share with you our first Monstrous Delve. This line has been a long time coming, and I would love to know what you think of it. I hope you can find a place in your campaign for the Flayed Skull orcs and that your characters enjoy meeting (and slaying) these foul raiders.

What’s a Monstrous Delve?

Monstrous Delves are sort of a cross between the old Tribes line (old-timers may remember Tribes was one of our first lines) and Dungeon Backdrops.

A Monstrous Delve is not a “proper” adventure. Rather, it is a starting point for your creativity. We provide a flavoursome overview of the delve and the monsters therein. You provide their stats and their treasure and pick a suitable adventure hook to draw the characters to the place.

Monstrous Delves are designed so that you can add them to your campaign with the minimum of fuss and effort. Have the characters got lost (deliberately or accidentally)? Have they decided to explore an area of wilderness you have yet to detail? Do you need a side trek or diversion? Simply drop a Monstrous Delve in their path!

About the Orcs of the Flayed Skull

The crumbling tower of the long-dead wizard Elias Leminen has long stood amid the numberless boughs of the southern forest. Now, savage orcs from the Flayed Skull tribe have claimed the tower and use it as a base from which to launch devastating raids on the surrounding area. Will the characters dare to assault the ruin and end the threat? Will they dare to pursue the surviving orcs back to their fortress-home of Rakorzar?

This System Neutral Monstrous Delve presents the savage, bloodthirsty and—above all—fecund orcs of the Flayed Skull tribe, along with a detailed overview of Elias Leminen’s crumbling tower.

One-Pager Index

At the start of the year, I asked you and the readers of the Sunday Supplement what they wanted from Raging Swan Press in 2024. One of the most popular answers was an index of all our books and releases—there are a fair few of them, and finding the right resource can sometimes be tricky.

We’ve already released the final Monstrous Lair index. This week, I give you the One-Pager Index. It’s attached to this post and details all 131 free One-Pagers we have released through to the end of 2023. I hope you find it useful.

Where’s My Stuff?

(I apologise if your weekly message is getting oddly formatted. I’m not sure why this is happening, but I’m exploring different options to fix the problem).

By the time you read this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you.

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2024. I hope our books make your GMing life easier and more fun. (And I hope your players have more fun!) Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here with us on Patreon.

Fecund orcs + Tentacles = better.

Creighton Publisher of Useful Items