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November is shaping up to be a print-tastic month at Raging Swan Press.

This week, we have print editions of GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Backdrop III in 5e, OSR, P1, P2 and System Neutral editions.

Next week we have updated editions of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands in 5e and Pathfinder 1 and the first OSR edition of the adventure. I’m moving to a twice-yearly update and expansion cycle for Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands in line with my Incremental Design experiment. Interested in learning more? Here’s a direct link to my article explaining my cunning scheme. What do you think of the plan? Let me know in the comments below. (I’m tremendously excited to expand and develop the Shadowed Keep, and I can’t wait to design and develop this locale further!)

About Dungeon Backdrop III

GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Backdrop III comprises:

  • Blasted Donjon of the Erdukr Dwarves
  • Cursed Tower of the Astromancer
  • Drowned Fane of the Elder God

Blasted Donjon of the Erdukr Dwarves

For decades, the Erdukr dwarves have been a dwindling folk. But now, all contact with their ancient hold has ceased. What doom has befallen the dwarves? Did they dig too deep, did their ancient enemies, the Orcs of the Flayed Skull, finally triumph, or did some other doom befall them? Whatever the cause of their fall, the answer lies in the Blasted Donjon of the Erdukr Dwarves!

Cursed Tower of the Astromancer

Strange things have started to happen at the Tower of the Astromancer. Its mistress, the half-elven wizard Tuulitar Vihas, has not been seen for weeks and the locals whisper that the tower is cursed.Odds lights and sounds emanate from the place and calls that something must be done grow louder and more insistent. Dare the heroes brave the Cursed Tower of the Astromancer?

Drowned Fane of the Elder God

Bitter black ichor sprays your face as your axe blade bites into blubber, severing yet another tentacle. As the bloody appendage flops helplessly in the water, the others release their grasp on your companions to slither back towards the beach, offering you a brief respite. Between ragged breaths, you come to realise the full horror of your predicament: there is no way back. With the monster blocking your escape and the waters around you slowly rising, you are faced with a choice: withdraw deeper into the primaeval fane and face its mind-bending horrors with fire and sword, or drown and sink softly into oblivion’s deep, dark embrace. What troubles you most, however, is that the latter option seems to be the most reasonable one by far…

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone at the $5 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you.

Thank You

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here reading this!

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles (particularly guardians of ancient shrines, things that have filtered down from the stars and things summoned from beyond).



I read your timeline for the upcoming year for shadow keep. You asked "Is the idea of incremental module design a good idea? Is the idea of incremental module a bad idea?" with todays ability to reach out to your audience, it is possible to put out editions of a game multiple times and get feedback in ways we never could back 15 years ago. Patreon is a great example, one which you use masterfully. In a crazy era of life it is hard to make home brew games like I used to when the only thing I had to worry about was getting to a show on the weekend. Now heavy life loads make it impossible to write my own stuff so your work is perfect, I am totally an Ashlarian ( that is the word for the common language in my campaign) To be honest, when I first started getting your stuff I was confused and overwhelmed by all your content, what the F was a "Dungeon Backdrop"? I would ask myself many times. Then I started with the gloomguide, followed by the villages and all the free content. Now I am enthusiastically waiting for patreon exclusive content weekly. Your 20 something charts are fantastic, I have coped them to my Shard VTT for organization but plan to get everything in physical copys as well as digital. I rant, I wish I could give you negative feed back cause you can learn so much from that, but honestly, the way your rolling out content works and your plan for the next shadow project looks solid, except I would rather it all be ready for January when I start my next campaign. Were just finishing up the last Hasbro Crap and moving to Ashlar.So Ya, have it all ready buy then OK! Just joking, I will wait.