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The Yearly Edition Poll!

  • System Neutral 81
  • 5e 56
  • OSR 34
  • Pathfinder 1 25
  • Pathfinder 2 14
  • 2023-11-02
  • 210 votes
{'title': 'The Yearly Edition Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'System Neutral ', 'votes': 81}, {'text': '5e', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'OSR', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Pathfinder 1', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Pathfinder 2', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 2, 9, 19, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 210}


As I’ve previously posted, I’m plotting and scheming my way through a first-draft release schedule for 2024. A few weeks ago, I asked what were your favourite product lines. The results were illuminating; thank you.

This week, I’d love to know which edition of our books you use in your campaigns. Here’s the question:

Which edition of our books (5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2, System Neutral) do you use in your campaigns?

I’ve set up the poll so that you can vote multiple times—after all, you may be running multiple games, or you may make liberal use of our System Neutral books in your games.

My intention with this poll is to work out where I should focus Raging Swan Press’s resources, so please let me know which editions you use. And, of course, please leave a comment if you think there is something I should know.

As always, thank you for choosing to support us on Patreon and for including our books in your games.



I use OSR/NSR most frequently


Adventures would be the only line that you might need to accommodate different rule sets. Everything else you do could be system neutral where we would do the work as far as stats are concerned.