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In your campaign:

  • Do sahuagin lurk off the coast, raiding fishing villages?
  • Does an aboleth extend its sinister influence into a nest of smugglers?
  • Does a dragon turtle demand tribute from all ships that pass through its territory?

If so, you need Wilderness Dressing: Underwater! Make the underwater adventures in your campaign even more exciting! Drown your players in flavour and detail.

Do you see what I did there?

Wilderness Dressing: Underwater never made it into the first run of the Wilderness Dressing line, and I thought this really needed to be corrected. After all, many classic adventures happen in or underwater and adding detail to such an alien environment highlights the oddness of it to the players.

I hope you get a chance to use this book in your campaign.

(And here's a look at the epic piece of art by Matt Morrow I was able to include in the book as a direct result of your support--thank you!)

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you.

Thank You

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here reading this!

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles (particularly—obviously and inevitably—angry, spellcasting dragon turtles; I would have said aboleths, but they already have tentacles…)


Brad F
