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With all the controversy over the upcoming OGL changes and Wizard’s recent statement that supplements already released will be unaffected by the upcoming license (whatever form it takes), it seems jolly sensible that I should bring forward the release of several large compilations we have in the design and development pipeline.

The affected books are:

  • GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing (OSR)
  • GM’s Miscellany: Wilderness Dressing (5e, OSR and P1)
  • GM’s Miscellany: Monstrous Lair III (System Neutral)

Each of these books is in varying stages of completion. Luckily, I create compilations as I go—adding each new instalment to the master file once it is finalised. Thus, in theory, all these books could be released swiftly; however, I don’t want to do that.

Read on for more about each book.

GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing (OSR)

This book is complete and finished. As I write this, it has just entered the physical proofing process. Originally, I had planned for GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing (OSR) to come out in March to celebrate GM’s Day, but that might no longer be possible. Given the uncertain status of the OGL I want to have this book ready for instant launch. Thus, it could pop up in the schedule as early as the start of February if events force my hand.

GM’s Miscellany: Wilderness Dressing (5e, OSR and P1)

The idea of releasing this book early frustrates me, but then so much of this situation is far from ideal.

I had planned at least two more instalments in this line (Jungles and Isles & Islands). They, however, won’t be ready until May at the earliest. I’m going to hold this book as long as possible, but I may end up releasing it “unfinished”. As I said earlier, this frustrates me, but it is better than not releasing the book at all.

GM’s Miscellany: Monstrous Lair III

I had never scheduled the release of this book because—rather marvellously—the Monstrous Lair line seems to have gathered new momentum; I keep finding instalments to add (and in my head, I’d started to dream of getting to Monstrous Lair #100).

Much of this book is system neutral, but I fear some of it is not (the various dragon lairs, for example, spring to mind). To avoid legal entanglements in the future, it, therefore, seems wise to release this book at the last possible moment so that it falls under the 1.0a OGL and not whatever replaces it. I have no idea when that will be.

Final Thought

The situation is fluid, and I’ll (unsurprisingly) be monitoring the OGL “evolution” closely. When I know more about the release schedule, I’ll post it here.

I’m also giving deep thought to which lines could go true system neutral—or at least have true system neutral editions alongside our normal offering while matters remain unresolved. I’ll have a System Neutral version of this month’s Dungeon Backdrop later this week for you! I’d been keen to get your feedback.

Questions? Comments?

If you have any questions or comments about the release schedule changes please leave them below. Similarly, if you are in desperate need of a book that gets “bumped” in the schedule, let me know, and I’ll work to make sure you get it on or before the date I’d originally planned for its release. You can see release schedule for January here. 

Thank You

As always, thank you for your epic support. In particular, I am humbled and touched by all your messages of support last week. Thank you.



Don't worry too much. They're backpedaling a bit so it seems a grace period is in the offing. As long as you try to avoid stuff that can be claimed under copyright by WotC you should be fine until Kobold Press comes out with a sanitised 'not 5e' srd.


Don't worry. We know your hard work and quality, and keeping your line of work safe is of outmost importance. You have our full support and understanding!