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Warn your players, Bart Wynants is back with another cracking Dungeon Backdrop ready to be slipped into your campaign. This time, he takes us (in 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 editions) to the Onyx Prison of the Demon King!

The Big News

This week, I completed work on the print edition of the Dread Thingonomicon. As you read this it is with our printers. Soon (hopefully), I’ll have physical proofs (hardback and softcover) in my hands.

I’m both excited and relieved. This massive project has taken up a vast chunk of my design and development time over the last few months. With its completion (assuming the physical proofs turn out okay), I can move on to my next big project!

About the Onyx Prison

Legends tell of Blackshard Hold—a dwarven redoubt nested far to the south, in the all but impenetrable Forest of Gray Spires. The dwarves of clan Kildare built the hold around a vast monolith of glimmering black onyx. For years, they dwelled there, mining the precious stone and accruing wealth from trading with Dulwich, Wellswood, and even the city of Languard, far to the north. Then, Kildare and his kin suddenly abandoned Blackshard Hold, claiming some eldritch horror lay imprisoned therein. Hah! As if dwarves wouldn’t tunnel to the very depths of hell itself if there was any gold to be won! Mark my words, adventurers—those tall tales of captive demons are nothing but the cheapest of wards, meant to dissuade the faint of heart. There’s precious onyx in that old burrow yet, and it belongs to the brave!

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you get this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s book and links to discounted print copies. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, send me a message, and I’ll sort it out for you.

And you'll find all the maps and artwork for the Dungeon Backdrop attached to this post.

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2022. I hope you like this week’s books and that you can use them to have more gaming fun with your chums.

Your support enables us to continue doing what we love—creating flavoursome and detailed supplements designed to help you (and me) run campaigns with less hassle and stress. I hope they make your campaigns better and your prep time less stressful.

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles—particularly demon kings!


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