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Over the last year or so, I’ve fielded a constant trickle of questions about Raging Swan Press and 5e. Mainly, the questions revolved around when Raging Swan was going to start releasing 5e products. Up to now, the schedule has been so full—and required so much of my time—that I’ve been unable to begin seriously considering releasing 5e compatible stuff.

However, change is in the wind.

The support of you our heroic patrons via our Patreon campaign has meant I spend a lot less time chasing freelancers and that the turnovers I’m receiving are of much higher quality. This means, I don’t have to spend so much time polishing and editing. It seems, then, the time is right to release some 5e products. 

I’ve looked through our back catalogue and have concluded many of our older supplements would translate well into the 5e ruleset. For example, what GM wouldn’t want a supplement of pre-made, flavoursome treasure hoards ready to plonk down in his campaign?

Of course, this doesn’t mean Raging Swan Press will stop releasing Pathfinder material; far from it—our Pathfinder schedule continues to go from strength to strength and is jolly successful for us. However, in the coming months you'll see a steady trickle of 5e compatible products emerge from Global HQ. 

And—of course—if you’d like to see certain products converted to 5e please let us know. At the moment, I’m not looking to convert any of our adventures to 5e; I don’t yet understand the system well enough to be confident of success in that arena. Hopefully, this will change next year!


Where can I learn more?

You can check out our new 5e page which includes listings of everything we’ll be releasing for 5e in the next couple of months. Product links will go live at the end of the month

Where can I buy Raging Swan’s 5e products?

From September 1 our 5e products will be available exclusively at DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

What colour will the covers be?


Now you are releasing 5e books will I be charged more?

For our patrons, there will be no extra charge for the 5e material we release. In the same way as the SNE versions, you’ll get everything released in any given week as part of your pledge. So, for example, if we released Pathfinder, SNE and 5e versions of a Village Backdrop, you’ll only be charged once.



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