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This week, Raging Swan Press unleashes Places of Power: The Mistfall Refuge into your campaign! Next week, is the last week before Raging Swan Press all but powers down for a week or so for our summer break. As such, I'm crazy busy getting everything set for the next few weeks. Of course, that won't interrupt our release schedule but it will mean I'm out of contact for a week or so toward the end of the month. 

In any event, here's our latest Places of Power: 

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Jeff Gomez and Jacob Trier

Deep within the Greyspire mountains, snugly nestled around the cascading waters of the Mistfall, a huddle of buildings cling to the mountainside. Here, a clan of displaced dwarves has made a living offering refuge to those who seek to temporarily disappear from the outside world. As long as the visitors pay the hefty fee and respect the rules of the secluded establishment, they are guaranteed absolute and unconditional sanctuary, no questions asked.

Places of Power are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a flavoursome locale such as a remote temple, borderland fort or reclusive wizard’s demesne. Ready to be plugged into almost any home campaign, each installment can be used as a waystop on the road to adventure, the home of a powerful NPC or even as a mini-adventure site in its own right.

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Where Are My Files?

By the time you read this you should have an email lurking in your in-box from me including your super secret free download link for Places of Power: The Mistfall Refuge. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go.

As Always...

As always, thank you for your support.  It means the world to me. See you next week for I Loot the Minion's Body (and some exciting news)! 


Places of Power: The Mistfall Refuge

Deep within the Greyspire mountains, snugly nestled around the cascading waters of the Mistfall, a huddle of buildings cling to the mountainside. Here, a clan of displaced dwarves has made a living offering refuge to those who seek to temporarily disappear from the outside world.


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