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This week, Raging Swan Press releases two new products for your gaming pleasure, and our heroic patrons get both for only a single pledge! For Pathfinder, we have Places of Power: The Mudded Manse by Mike Welham while 20 Things #4: Smuggler's Lair by Creighton Broadhurst gives GMs of any fantasy RPG the tools to make their smuggler's lairs more awesome!

I hope you enjoy both of them, and that they enhance your game.

Thank you very much for your support. 

20 Things #4: Smuggler's Lair

Are you a busy GM? Does session prep take too long? Do you never have time to work on the cool little details that can bring your session to life? Well fear not! That’s where the 20 Things line comes in. Compiled from the free 20 Things posts available at Raging Swan’s website, this short, focused compilation gives you, the time-crunched GM, the tools to effortlessly add verisimilitude and detail to your adventure. Use the material herein either before or during play and bask in your players’ adulation. This instalment provides ten tables designed to help you to flesh out and bring to life a smuggler’s lair.

Places of Power: The Mudded Manse

Hidden in the dismal, swampy depths of the Salt Mire, the Mudded Manse is a well-kept secret among the wealthy and powerful, who travel here to rest and receive treatments for various afflictions. Built around a pit of bubbling mud, reputed to have miraculous cure-all powers, the secluded manse is well worth the trouble of a visit if one is afflicted with a terrible disease. Thanks to the powerful clientele frequenting the manse, a secondary trade in political information has developed, as the comfortable atmosphere encourages visitors to loosen their tongues.

Places of Power are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a flavoursome locale such as a remote temple, borderland fort or reclusive wizard’s demesne. Ready to be plugged into almost any home campaign, each installment can be used as a waystop on the road to adventure, the home of a powerful NPC or even as a mini-adventure site in its own right.

Where Are my Files?

By now, you should have a message from me in your inbox, which contains links to free copies of both books. Drop the links into your browser and and you should be good to go!


Welcome to Kalle Jarvinen and Matt Melville who both join us this week! I'm delighted you've both decided to join us!


Raging Swan Press

This week, Raging Swan Press releases Village Backdrop: Umelas by Jeff Gomez. If you need a village with a dark secret, Umelas is the village for you! You can grab a free sample, here. Over on his Youtube Channel, A.J Pickett has just released a video review of some of Raging Swan's products.


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