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This week, I seem to be a little obsessed with disease and 1st edition AD&D. 

We've also been busy posting up more articles and 20 Things articles for your gaming pleasure. 

The last two articles were written to appear in the System Neutral Edition version of Village Backdrop: Ashford, which releases next week (or Friday for you lucky Patreons). After all, when you remove all the stat blocks, you've got to replace them with something! And fear not--obviously--the two articles are compatible with Pathfinder. 

Last week, we also gave you a first look at two new products hurtling down the pipe: Village Backdrop: Longbridge System Neutral Edition and Places of Power: Monastery of the Marble Palm

And finally, over on my blog I pontificated. (Shocker). Yesterday, I posted up Gygax On... Preparing Modules while late last week I revealed my favourite unsung table from the 1st edition AD&D DMG.  As you may recall, I injured my back last week and I've been unable to quite a lot of the proper work I wanted to do. However, it has given me the opportunity to stroll down memory lane and revisit some of my favourite old books and adventures. After this, for example, I'll probably be working on a post featuring B2 Keep on the Borderlands, which I've been plotting and looking forward to doing for much of the week. Every cloud has a silver lining!


Welcome to the new members of the Swan Horde who have joined us this week--Matt Broughton, John Crichton, Brian R. Mooney and Kyle Capps. I'm delighted you've decided to join us and I hope you find our supplements, books and adventures jolly useful. 

See You Friday!

Thank you all for your ongoing support. See you on Friday for Village Backdrop: Ashford System Neutral Edition and Places of Power: Penitent's Rest. And remember, patrons on the $2 and above tiers get both books for the price of one!


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