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This week, or more accurately next week for everyone else, we unleash GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing II onto an unsuspecting world. Chock full of tremendously useful details to bring your towns and cities to life I hope the book makes your GMing easier and more fun. 

GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing II is available in both Pathfinder and System Neutral Editions. By Josh Vogt, the book is a compilation of the last fourteen instalments of the Urban Dressing line. These include: 

  • Urban Dressing: Borderland Town
  • Urban Dressing: Bridge Town
  • Urban Dressing: Decadent Town
  • Urban Dressing: Dwarven Town
  • Urban Dressing: Elven Town
  • Urban Dressing: Logging Town
  • Urban Dressing: Marsh Town
  • Urban Dressing: Mining Town
  • Urban Dressing: Pirate Town
  • Urban Dressing: Plague Town
  • Urban Dressing: Port Town
  • Urban Dressing: Slum Town
  • Urban Dressing: Trade Town
  • Urban Dressing:War-Torn Town

The hawk-eyed among you will also notice a new instalment--Urban Dressing: Marsh Town written specially for this compilation. We are releasing Urban Dressing: Marsh Town as a standalone supplement so that everyone pledging at the $2 level doesn't miss out on Josh's epic design.

Where Are my Files?

By the time you read this, you should have a message in your inbox waiting for you. Within you'll find discount codes for the PDF versions of the book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. I'll be releasing the discount print coupons for everyone at the $5 and $10 pledge levels next week. (Given the problem with the cover for GM's Miscellany: 20 Things Volume I I've ordered two sets of proofs just to make sure everything is perfect).

Thank You

Thank you to you all for helping transform the way Raging Swan Press operates.  I think this is going to be an epic year. Thank you particularly to Kurt Rosener who recently levelled up his support!

I hope you all enjoy this week's books and that they enhance your campaign. 


GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing II

Tired of your towns and cities being boring, bland places in which your PCs show little or no interest? Want to bring them alive with cool, interesting minor features of note? Then Urban Dressing is for you! Each instalment in the line focuses on a different kind of town and gives harried GMs the tools [...]


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