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Yesterday, something epic happened. 

With Flaming Crab Games and W. Bircher joining us we've hit our long-awaited milestone of $400 a product. That's awesome. It means I can now pay our heroic freelancers 9 cents a word. Just 13 months ago, when I launched this Patreon campaign Raging Swan Press was paying the industry standard of 1 cent a word. That's all we could afford, it we wanted to stay in business. 

But now, thanks to your generosity and support we can afford an industry-busting 9 cents a word. That's just below what companies like Paizo pay, which if you think about it is pretty incredible. 

I get a real buzz and sense of pride being able to pay great wages for great work, and I couldn't do it without your help. So thank you very much for your ongoing support; it means the world to me and I'm 100% confident our freelancers are jolly grateful as well. 

As a thank you, I've just completed and uploaded a System Neutral Edition version of Marc Radle's excellent Village Backdrop: White Moon Cove. By the time you read this, you should have a link to a free copy of the book lurking in your inbox. Just check out in the normal way and you are all set. 

Again, thank you so much. 

Now--on to $500 and some love for our artists and cartographers!


Village Backdrop: White Moon Cove

White Moon Cove is a respectable fishing village set in a sheltered cove which acts as an excellent, natural harbour. The inhabitants of this tightly-knit community are sober, hardworking and amiable fishermen, traders and other sturdy folk making their living from the sea.


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