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This week, Bart Wynants has got something special for you, In the shape of Dungeon Backdrop: Scarlock Hill (for 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2).

Scarlock Hill is not only the first Dungeon Backdrop of 2021, it’s part of a trilogy of interlinked Dungeon Backdrops that you can run separately or  together (in any order). Bart’s been heroically slaving away on the trilogy’s overarching Storyline for your gaming pleasure. Find the Storyline file attached to this post. I hope you enjoy this experiment. Let me know what you think, in the comments below.

About Scarlock Hill

With slick black fingers, the muddy soil grasps at your heels as you laboriously climb Scarlock Hill’s rock-strewn slope. A hundred feet below, scores of tall pine trees silently watch your ascent. Against the scarlet backdrop of the setting sun, they resemble dark jagged towers rising from an ocean of boiling fog, and for a brief moment it almost seems as if you’ve crossed into another world.

A gentle but cold breeze picks up, eliciting timid whispers from the shivering shrubs of rose haw, urging you to turn back while you still can. You’ve all but reached the top now. One by one, the great standing stones crowning the ancient barrow mound hove into view: a perfect circle of eight megaliths surrounding a cracked altar stone. A lone crow perches on the nearest menhir. Pecking and scratching at the stone, it caws a final warning in the black language of its kind before flying off, leaving you alone atop Scarlock Hill.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

A 10-Second Reminder

On Sunday, I posted a poll to determine what theme I’d focus on for February’s 10-Second posts. The poll is still active. If you haven’t voted yet, the poll closes on Sunday morning. Have your say!

Also, if you want (weekday) daily doses of 10-Second Reads you can sign up to the dedicated mailing list here. January’s theme is 10 Seconds in Low City.

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. The lights remain on, and the freelancers remain fed and watered, because of your support.  I’d also like to welcome Andi H, Kristian Richards, Emanuele and Jason Wiebe who have all joined us since the new year. 

Although we’ve just gone into lockdown again here in the UK I’ve got a good feeling about 2021. I hope by the end of the year we’ll all be back face to face around a table with our friends sharing good times (and snacks!) 

Good luck with your games,


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