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We end the year on a high with three new supplements for your campaign! 

  • Dining at the Emerald Medusa
  • Visiting the Durakis
  • GM’s Miscellany: Mini-Eventures I

All three supplements are (of course) available in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 editions, for your gaming pleasure. 

I’m using the mini-eventures in my own campaign, and I hope you and your players get as much use and fun out of the events therein as we have. (They’ve also saved my GMing bacon on more than one occasion when the platers have meandered wildly away from my prepared session.) 

Where's My Stuff?

The individual mini-eventure files are attached to this post. Download as many as you'd like!

For the GM's Miscellany, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's books. 

Patrons at the $1 and $2 levels get Dining at the Emerald Medusa and Visiting the Durakis while patrons at higher levels get the miscellany along with their special discounted print codes. 

Just drop your links into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Got 10 Seconds?

I’ve been energised by your feedback on the 10-Second material sample I posted earlier this month.  From January, I’ll be adding 10-Second material to our supplement stable. Each month, I’ll work on a different theme (January is 10 Seconds in Low City), and I’ll run a poll for what to feature in the following month. Patrons will, of course, get bonus and exclusive content. 

A Final Thank You

2020 has been a hell of a year, and I wanted to thank you once more for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your patronage makes the world of difference and I hope our material has made your games easier to prepare and more fun to play.  It is my fervent hope that 2021 is better for us all! 



Surfeit...great word!


Thank you! It is a word that should be used more often. We should have a surfeit of surfeits. ;-)


A repletion of surfeits even sir!