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This is an unprecedented festive season, and we find ourselves in uncharted territory. The world today is not normal (as it hasn’t been for some time), and I suspect your gaming continues to be impacted as we battle (or tactically withdraw from) Coronavirus.

In the grand scheme of things gaming isn’t crucial or critical, and Raging Swan Press isn’t an emergency service. That said, I want to do my bit, and gaming is a great way of keeping up morale and helping time pass at the end of the year.

Is there something Raging Swan Press can do to make your gaming holidays or new year better? If there is, leave a comment below—or send me a private message via the Contact page.

10 Seconds

Thank your for voting in last week’s poll. The results are in, and you’ve overwhelmingly said you’d use the material in your games. (Which is great, as I enjoyed the challenge of cramming as much as possible into such a small space).

I also received loads of thoughtful feedback which I’ll be plotting and scheming over in the coming weeks. One of the key pieces was the desire for linked lists, and I’m already working on a one-page demo.

Happy Festivities

Wherever you and yours are in the world I hope you stay healthy and safe, and that you can make the best of this strange and trying festive season.

We won’t be releasing a supplement this Friday (obviously). But—check back on Monday for the last THREE supplements of the year!



With regards to making the new year's gaming better, I would raise my tier (*pay more*) to have access to your content within my VTT (Foundry is the one my group uses). Happy holidays and thanks for saving me many hours of prep!


Happy holidays to you and yours Creighton. Something I would love to see that would be great for GM prep is a new line like Village Backdrops. City Backdrops. Something with the same kind of details and hooks That VB has but on a larger scale. In all of the time as a Patron, or even before when I was buying your products, I think the largest settlement I have seen is maybe a couple thousand population. I would love to have some serious cities that I can drop into my homebrew world I am working on. I will be using most (if not all) of the VB and TB books I have from you to help flesh things out. Thanks for your time, and dedication to helping make a GM's job easier. You are very appreciated.


Thanks for the idea, Paul. I must confess I am not wise in the ways of VTTs, but I'll look into it in the new year.


Matthew, have you checked out City Backdrop: Languard and the attendant Languard Locations line? I'm in the process of compiling a Languard book (as that's where my campaign is current set) and it's getting on for 100 pages of material without the relevant Dungeon Backdrops and Eventures. Here's a link to the relevant search page at our store: https://www.ragingswanpress.com/search?q=Languard


I do have the Languard book and the locations. I am hoping you plan to come out with more like it. I love your stuff resourcing the village backdrops.


The only other thing I can think of that would be a HUGE help would be a way to see what you have already done for different terrains (i.e. swamps/marshes) or featuring different monster types (i.e. hags). I know you have so many amazing things but as a new RSP-fan club member I often don't know where to go.


Thank you for this idea. I have considered doing some kind of catalogue style listing as you are not the first person to suggest this. I'll put some additional thought into it.