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This week,  Jeff Gomez resurrects an old Village Backdrop from the old days. Fulhurst Moors was always one of my favourite Village Backdrops, and I'm delighted to be able to bring you an updated version of the village. Originally, by Jacob Trier Fulhurst Moors is the first of two tremendously atmospheric Village Backdrop (the other is the village of  Aldwater) located in the same dismal swamp and moorland setting. I hope you enjoy Fulhurst Moors. Can you guess what next month's village is?

About Fulhurst Moors

In the dreary village of Fulhurst Moors, most residents spend their days cutting peat from the nearby bogs or tending flocks of rugged sheep on the moor. When night falls, the villagers huddle in their homes or gather inside the solid stone walls of the Bell and Whistles. Here they trade stories of the latest gruesome misfortunes to befall those foolish enough to venture out onto the moor after sunset or unfortunate enough to be caught by sudden fog or rain while working in the bogs.

The local priest has been driven close to madness by his inability to provide solace to his congregation, and the mayor and constable become increasingly concerned as a growing number of villagers drown their fears in moonshine whiskey. The fearful atmosphere is well deserved, for ancient beings of malice and cruelty haunt the mists beyond the village. And they have struck a terrible bargain with someone inside Fulhurst Moors.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Also, find tagged and untagged versions of Fulhurst Moors's maps uploaded to this post. 

As Always…

Thank you so much for your epic support—particularly at this hard time. Your support means the world to me and helps us both keep the lights on at Global HQ and keep looking after our freelancers. Thank you. I'd also like to welcome Ulf Garbe and Ian Dimitri to the campaign, who have joined us this week!

If you have any suggestions for more Raging Swan Press products or articles, please leave a note in the comments. 

Good luck with your games


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