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This week we leave the dungeon and visit the town. And what a town! With seedy taverns and riots aplenty, a visit there will be anything but boring:

I hope you enjoy both articles. Print them out and stick them in your GM's folder. You never know when they'll come in handy! (And if you liked 20 Things to See in a Riot I've got good news--Campaign Events: Urban Riots is out next month!)


We've had a couple of positive reviews this week, which is rather marvellous.

Endzeitgeist said of Village Backdrop: Hopespyre that, "This is one of the crown-jewels of the excellent series..." while Martin S gave Alternate Dungeon: Abandoned Village four stars and commented, "It remains a good tool for a GM who does not have time to create a detailed abandoned village and can be the source of memorable encounters/adventures."

Thanks to both Martin and Endzeitgeist. I love hearing what people think about Raging Swan's products and I also love suggestions of how to make them better in the future.


Welcome to Garth Hill who joined us this week! Garth emailed me to suggest an instalment in the Urban Dressing line--Urban Dressing: Bridge Town--which I loved. Hopefully, Josh Vogt's schedule allowing, you'll see it early in the new year. 

And that's it from me for the week. Have a super weekend, everyone!


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