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Welcome to all the new patrons who have signed up this week! We've had a small surge of newcomers and I'm delighted to welcome them into the Swan's Nest.

With all of yours support we are on the brink of something jolly exciting--we are only $7 (or so) away from hitting our next milestone! That's epic. Thank you. I hope to report next week that we've raised our freelance pay rate to 7 cents a word. 

Anyway, as you know, this week Raging Swan Press released Alternate Dungeons: Abandoned Village. To celebrate, we've also published two free "20 Things" articles for your GMing pleasure:

I hope you find them useful. Print them out and stick them in your GM's folder today. 

In other news, I've just spotted a new review for Road of the Read Collector's Edition. As I actually wrote that module I'm double proud of Lorathorn's comments. Here's my favourite bit: "The writing is especially on point, as every word seems fine tuned to relate the nature of the dungeon and its denizens." Tonight--I shall drink bourbon to celebrate! 

In any event, thank you all again for your support. Have a super weekend!


Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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