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This week, Raging Swan Press released--with your help and support--Alternate Dungeons: Alchemist's Laboratory. To celebrate, we've also released two new "20 Things" articles themed around the alchemist's laboratory. Behold:

20 Things to Find in an Alchemist's Laboratory

160,000 Potions to Find in an Alchemist's Laboratory

I hope you find them jolly useful, and they enhance your game. Print them out and stick them in your GM's folder today! (And if you like--or dislike--this approach of theming the "20 Things" articles around the our most supplement let me know). 

Other Exciting News

This week, we've picked up a couple of fantastic reviews, and I wanted to share a couple of snippets with you. 

Endzeitgeist said of Alternate Dungeons: Abandoned Temple, "Ultimately, Mike Welham delivers a great supplement full of intriguing details that should help render dungeons in any temple-context less predictable and more concise - a great, inexpensive supplement and well worth a final verdict of 5 stars + seal of approval."

Crai said of Campaign Events: Masquerade Ball, "In summation, I'm giving this DM Resource a *5* Star Rating. I honestly haven't had such a unique and entertaining tabletop event as this Masquerade Ball ... in at least a decade. I'm thankful for play-aids like this that help take me outside of my DM'ing Comfort Zone and help enable me to experience more alternative ways of thrilling & challenging both my players and myself."

I'm very proud of the response the two books garnered. Congrats to Mike Welham and Kat Evans! Your support helped make both books a reality. Thank you.



Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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