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A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Kat Evans

Masquerade balls are a feature of civilised urban life, and eventually the PCs may be invited to attend such a prestigious event. Perhaps they are invited to secretly meet a new patron or to stymie some plot of these attending the event or alternatively their adventure may start unexpectedly during such an event. Masquerade balls are excellent excuses for role-playing and offer an excellent change of pace to a typical adventure. However, designing all the guests and their costumes would take more time than even the most diligent GM has at his disposal.

That’s where Campaign Events: Masquerade Ball comes in. Presenting copious notes on masks, costumes and guests along with hooks, opportunities and complications it takes the hassle out of running a masquerade ball and lets the GM concentrate on the important details of the campaign!

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

For a free sample, please visit ragingswan.com

Exciting News and a Thank You!

You'll notice that this week we feature the first in another new line of products--Campaign Events. Instead of dressing places--like the Dungeon, Wilderness and Urban lines--Campaign Events will (shockingly) feature events such as masquerade balls, riots and so on. 

I hope you find the new line useful. If you have any suggestions for what to feature in upcoming instalments, just drop me a line!

Thanks as always for your support. Your generosity enables me to pay our freelancers a better word rate, which means they can spend more time crafting exciting supplements for your gaming pleasure.


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