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A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Robert Brookes Shielded to the north by the lofty peaks of the Vurdfell Spine and protected from the hordelands of the east by the Greatshadow Gorge, the town of Wolfsbane Hollow has persisted in relative isolation for hundreds of years. Seemingly a simple border town, a dark shadow hangs over this hard, rough settlement. For here, the rule of law is tenuous at best, and the mayor is but a figurehead. The true power of Wolfsbane Hollow is the shadowy thieves’ guild and their monstrous, bestial guild master who lurks in his lair carved from the fallen bones of an ancient empire. Town Backdrops are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a single town ready to insert into almost any home campaign. Perfect for use as a waystop on the road to adventure, as an adventure site themselves or as a PC’s home, Town Backdrop present the details so the busy GM can focus on crafting exciting, compelling adventures. This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad. As always, thank you very much for your support. I hope you enjoy Town Backdrop: Wolfsbane Hollow and that you can find a place for it in your campaign!


Town Backdrop: Wolfsbane Hollow

Shielded to the north by the lofty peaks of the Vurdfell Spine and protected from the hordelands of the east by the Greatshadow Gorge, the town of Wolfsbane Hollow has persisted in relative isolation for hundreds of years. Seemingly a simple border town, a dark shadow hangs over this hard, rough settlement.


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