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This week, we've got a treat for you, no matter the game system you play: Mike Welham's Places of Power: Beacon Promontory. Available in 5e, System Neutral and Pathfinder editions, if you need a flooded village complete with lighthouse (and--perhaps--a mad lighthouse keeper) this is the village for you!

Thank you for your support. It's been a tricky week or so as I've been recovering from this darn broken ankle. On the plus side, I've got a fair bit of work and plotting done, but on the other hand (or perhaps foot) I've been going a bit stir-crazy! Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon. I miss running. 

In any event, behold:

Beacon Promontory

A GM’s Resource by Mike Welham

Beacon Promontory arose from the watery grave of Beacon Cove after a ferocious storm submerged the village. The handful of doughty northerners rebuilt their homes around Beacon Lighthouse, which lights the way for passing ships, many of which used to make the former village a port of call. Many consider the holdouts insane for staying, considering over half their neighbours left, but they feel they have a duty to seafarers who become stranded along the reshaped coastline. However, the truly insane person may be the lighthouse keeper who believes the deluge was a precursor to an invasion from beneath the waves.

Places of Power are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a flavoursome locale such as a remote temple, borderland fort or reclusive wizard’s demesne. Ready to be plugged into almost any home campaign, each installment can be used as a waystop on the road to adventure, the home of a powerful NPC or even as a mini-adventure site in its own right. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

You'll also find copies of Beacon Cove's maps attached to this post. 


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Have an excellent weekend! 


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