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Since someone asked for a comparison 




Thé New is much better !


Oldneu is cuter :3


Both are great

Hilmar Heathkliff

Neunew has so many minor changes that improve the art so much. The bigger mouth and enhanced eyes make her cuter. The added details in clothes. The decrease of hair bulbousness and jawline simplification combined with a smaller forehead give her a less toddlerlike face


Didn't see any difference without the comparison, now I see. The new one does look better !


Neunew is clearly better


honesty prefer oldneu but will support any decisions you make!


Cuute !


Wider face, smaller forehead, bigger booba. I approve


ADORABLE. NewNeu is definitely more detailed though. ^_^


I appreciate it! Old Neu had big brain, but now New Neu is wiiiiide, but I kind of like that more. It separates her from Vel's design and I like how her flower is now properly on the side. The bust looks better as well. An overall improvement, but even better when getting to compare and contrast like this. Thanks!


I always loved your artstyle, i was kinda surprised that you decided you change it. But now seeing the comparison images of pari and neu.. i can really see you developed well indeed. Like, im no artist, so take it as the laymans opinion it is but the new artsytle is way more striking upon first glance especially and tells of a labor of love compared like this. The face seems more refined, sharper eyes, smoother and more complex shading, bloom like effects, a skin tone appearing to take subsurface scattering more into consideration. Proportions too seem redone, a little more "realistic" if youd like, together with the more dynamic pose giving more of a sense of depth.. if i do attribute it to the right factors. I can see you have also done quite a lot of work on general detail, the hair especially stands out in that regard but i also like the new creases in the clothes, a lot more detail, but not overdone so not all of the image wants to jump at you at once (might also be the black tho). Speaking of detail i also like the changes to the ribbon, with the creases and slightly higher contrast right beneath the face it adds another point of interest which you are drawn upon naturally while also going more in line with the "lighter" look color wise, or maybe its just shading? Anyway, i really like the changes, you are really drawn in to the face upon first glance with that new pose and details. I will always remember your "old" style fondly tho, still now i like how clean and "simple" it appears. I can only imagine how much more work this level of detail must mean, especially regarding animation, so, i'll thank you in advance, thank you for your hard work and spirit to improve! Well this turned out to be quite a long one, sorry, i got kinda excited, thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and sorry if i at any point have sounded presoumptious or any of the like, i really dont intend to harm anybody, i just like to think about things and test my knowledge.


There’s a difference?