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"...If it weren’t for the war—if you hadn’t saved my life when I literally tried to kill you, I just don’t know who I’d have become. Is it…bad, I guess, that I prefer who I am now?”


Breamson 𒉭

Bairon talking to Arthur?


Lyra to Arthur ?


Melzri to Arthur? If we consider sparing her life as saving her

Kingofaz Z

Has to be Lyra talking to Arthur


Def not lyra because she didn't try to kill him. Thinking bairon but he tried to kill art before the war so not sure. The last sentence makes me think it's Lyra but the first sentence then doesn't make sense. May have missed something Even if it's not lyra she's being developed so much and so fast there are so many death flags. I like her so I hope she doesn't die. I'm thinking seris may die unfortunately 😕 and she may give her her powers or something which will make lyra sythe lvl and she will take over for seris


Arthur to Cecilia talking about their past lifes and how Arthur is feeling today ?


Possibly meant metaphorically as she is Alacryan who tried to kill Dicathiens


Bairon and Nico are good guesses

CJ Virginelli

Has to be bairon right. Arthur saved him in the castle from cadell and he’s basically a new person from what he was prior to book 7


Why does everybody think it's arthur? It could be Mica and Seris.


My best guess is Bairon but I am usually way off 😄

Breamson 𒉭

The conversation doesn’t feel like something Mica would say to Seris + Seris didn’t „save“ her, but only „spared“ her