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‘A shield…or a prison,’ Regis sent back with a smirk. “Let’s see which it is.”



I just need the Art and Caera reunion. I need he to be confused on why 'Grey' has a kid, aka Sylvie.


Feel like the possible comedy has lessoned given that Sylvie now looks older though how much older isn't clear. The potential joke worked best if she still looked like a little girl that could potentially be young enough she could be Arthur's daughter.


Possibilities that come to mind: - Still in the Hearth and it's some secret Mordain wants to show Arthur before he leaves (low possibility) - The Alacryan refugees in the wastes are encased in some sort of barrier. He checks on them given how close he is - Some sort of barrier that wasn't present prior around Vildorial or elsewhere in Dicathen - He somehow is already in Alacrya or checking on where Seris is seeing her whole defense system. Maybe tries his tempus warp to reach her and runs into her whole setup. Given Regis is saying this with a smirk I would guess he isn't too worried at the time he's saying it. He's often a smartass but he can be serious when the situation calls for it. If the barriers are around areas of Dicathen I would guess they're either something from Alacrya Agrona has done, something Gideon cooked up, or Kezess' sent people who took care of it as part of their bargain.


Caera thought Grey was Seris' concubine, I think Sylvie looking a little older won't change much for a potential joke