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“Trees aren’t a culture or a civilization. A forest won’t bring back the elves from the edge of extinction.”


Brianna Simmons

So it's Aldir, Arthur, or Varian Pov


Fuck you aura shit ass. I can’t wait for the brutal execution of the asura


Kill asura, behead asura, roundhouse kick an asuras into the concrete, slam dunk an asuras baby into the trash can, crucify filthy asura, defecate in an asura food, launch asura into the sun, toss asura into active volcanos, feed asura to piranhas, curbstomp pregnant asura.

Calvin Ogle

Still better than what happened to the elves. There ought to be spectators. Journalists writing everything down. A mocking parody of whatever national anthem they might have.


Lol...dont hold it in, let it all out now. You cant blame all asura...they dont even live in the world anymore and are curated by a supremacist tyrant. Even Art said when he first visited Epheotus that some of the asura viewed him with curiousity. Given the chance, a lot of asura would probably be interested in doing their actual jobs, which is guarding over and guiding the "lesser races," unfortunately, the only news of the real world they get is filtered through the facist that is Kezess Indrath. As they say, he who controls the flow of information controls the world.

Calvin Ogle

Ignorance might be bliss. But at some point, they choose to be ignorant.


Its not ignorance, it's fear and control. How much do we know about the shit that goes on in the government of our own world but nothing is done? Is that ignorance? Or is is it fear of losing our lives and the lives of our loved ones when those in control retaliate and can control the narrative?

Calvin Ogle

I don’t want to talk politics here, so I’ll just say that your points stand true but I’m still of the opinion that the majority ppl don’t know.


Lol, well we ARE talking politics, just interdimensional fantasy politics.


I know we are not talking politics... but, in the stead of fear, control, ignorance... did 'they' not say it money!?


Well, if youre speaking in-universe, the lessers economy is modeled on Epheotus's. I imagine Kezess introduced currency to the lessers in an attempt to advance their society, but either woefully underestimated lesser greed, or actually planned for it and cultured it as a means of control...and honestly, knowing Kezess, it was most likely the latter...............If youre speaking OUR universe, whoever was the first person to imagine using a pretty shell and beads as a means of trade should have been stopped at the outset. Once currency becomes central to a society it isnt long before complete corruption and eventual collapse, imo.


You might be right. Our 'best records' suggests money is as old as the first meso society. I imagine it was more like a convenience than anything else... these pocketable items are worth three horses. You can redeem them whenever. That is to say, money is not as exceptional. Or, that greed is a lot less selective than we would like. Sooner or later, a few peeps collect the bulk of the resources.

Demon NTY

Currency was created to help with bartering that way you wouldn't have to carry a crap ton of heavy stuff.