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Hello everyone, it's the end of another month again, and I am once again humbled by your constant support.

I'm glad to say I'm having good news to share.

First one being that Patreon finally decided to notify creators of having the possibility for us to activate a "billing schedule" option that allows us to make sure new subscribers will only be charged an exact month after their subscription date, instead of being charged the first day of each month, like it's been the norm for well, ever. 

In practice this is done to prevent people being double charged if they happen to subscribe near the end of the month, which didn't really happened often but I am aware it did happen to a few people. I made sure to make a post explaining that everyone is free to ask me for refunds in the future have they only plan to support for one month or some other reasons related to unfair billings. 

I have a very open policy when it comes to refunds and no one should pay double without being informed, it was a pretty careless mistake the platform took some time to solve, and hopefully that's done now. Regardless feel free to reach me about any inconvenient regarding billings, I am able to manually check and give refunds unless more than 90 days have passed from said billing.

Another topic is the comeback for polls in upper tiers.

I didn't managed to deliver the latest render and models poll winners just yet, but the latest animation poll has finally been delivered, this means a poll for a big animation project is in order, so even though I have a few projects being teased and some other around the corner being finished, I feel I'll have enough time to develop another couple more projects to feel the space when those are delivered. 

So I'll drop a few ideas soon.

October is almost here, I feel like is time to finally embrace a "themed" month and fully commit to some kinky witches and vampires imagery for the next few days. I hope you are into that >:)


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