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Hello everyone, this is my last message for 2021, we haven't really dusted off all the weirdness from last year yet, even now. But things keep slowly going back to normal in the world. 

Ever since I started doing this in 2019 I; Broke my hand (still feel it to this day), got Covid, moved cities, started meeting new people. 

But it was thanks to this that I got to find enjoyment in the things I decide to do, focusing on having fun, trying to be creative became easier thanks to that, and honestly, seeing the bright side of things in general too.

Like the bright side of being locked down these past couple of years was that I had a lot more time to think and do this type of content, and believe me, I haven't published half of what I've been working on all this time, but my main reason for making this post is to thank you all for your support. For those of you who had been there from the beginning, and the ones who just joined this journey yesterday, and even those who left, came back or even decided I wasn't worth the support, Thank you. You helped me, and continue to help me to improve.

Either being making me think twice before I hit render on my works, or deciding to go an extra mile to get the best version possible for each of my works, thanks for your patience. 

I made this message public because I wanna thank even those of you who you who left, you guys took the risk on me and I know you guys let me know what you think, I read all my exit surveys and believe me, those help a lot. So thank you too, for your trust, if we ever meet again.

I guess because of all that, my new years resolution would be for me to keep improving this portal for you all and for my professional pride as well. I will try to organize things better, I'll make sure you all get your rewards the way you're meant to. That last survey was a good help for me too. It let me know you guys are after quality over quantity, so I'll focus more on those kind of projects too. And to be completely honest, those are the kind of projects I love making the most anyway. So cheers for that, I have a bunch of ideas that get me really exited for next year, some of them you already saw the previews, but I wanna make sure that I can get the best version possible out there from now on. 

Happy new year everyone, the best wishes for you all, and your plans for next year. We'll get it all done for sure ;)


Sassy Stranger

When you think about it, 2022 really is THE year of the DP. At least until 2222.


Happy New Year 😊😊




I understand you likely get a lot of request and have quite the workload. I appreciate your worksmanship and would like to donate more but tbqh, I’m only here for Tifa/Aerith. Your stuff is amazing. If you could guarantee Aerti monthly then hell yes, I would subscribe with way more.