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I created Blake on this date 9 years ago.

For many years I went without knowing the date which I made her, as the deviantart account I had at the time she was made was hacked by my ex who deactivated the whole account, causing me to loose a LOT of art, including most of the first art I had of Blake, and as a result, i didn’t have access to her official birthday anymore. This happened maaaany many years ago so the wound has healed, but sometimes I can’t help but feel sad over all the art That is just. Lost. I like to keep all my old art, so it kinda hurts not having access to any of that anymore.

Sometime last year, I can’t remember how I did it, but I managed to find Blake’s birthday. November 18th 2012. I would attempt to find her birthday many times But was never successful. I knew she was made sometime around mid / late 2012, but finding that actual fixed date was so important to me. All my characters are really special to me so I just really enjoy knowing all of their birthdays. I was over the moon to finally know Blake’s actual birthday! This piece would be better suited for her 10th birthday, but this is the first year I’ve actually known and been able to draw something to celebrate the day I made her, so I wanted to do something a bit special and personal. Even If I’m still in the process of fixing my connection with her, Blake is still immensely special. She’s been with me through a LOT of serious life events, and she’s been by my side as I’ve grown. She’s been a constant for me, and she really means a lot. It’s crazy to think I’ve had her for 9 years now. 

The Blake on the right is, as I’d hope you’d all assume, her first official design. She hasn’t changed much, but the subtle changes that have been made to her over the years all come together to make her feel and look like a completely different character. To me anyway. 

I’m not the happiest with this piece? The anatomy and her face on both designs isn’t exactly how I’d like, but I wanted to not be too precious about the little details and just get this done before the day is over. I’m excited to be able to properly celebrate her birthday for years to come. I know she’s just a digital dog but she’s! she’s important to me you know.



Chanisty Davis

This is absolutely beautiful, and I’m so so happy you were able to find her birthday!! It can be hard to overcome something so heartbreaking, especially when it’s to do with something you have a deep emotional connection to, but it’s quite amazing that you’ve continued on!


Happy birthday Blake!! I'm so happy you found her birthday! Such a gorgeous drawing!