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LOZ: Tears of the Wardrobe Feedback

  • I'm a Zelda fan and I liked the sequence 328
  • I'm a Zelda fan but I didn't like the sequence 14
  • I'm not a Zelda fan but I liked the sequence 166
  • I'm not a Zelda fan and I didn't like the sequence 7
  • The artwork/paneling was great 261
  • The artwork/paneling was serviceable for the story 12
  • The artwork/paneling could use some work 1
  • I prefer the more comic-page style of previous projects 47
  • I prefer the more vertical, webcomic-like style of this project 14
  • I like both styles depending on the project 157
  • I wish there'd been more focus on the story/development of characters 25
  • There was a good balance of story and fanservice 177
  • I wish there'd been more focus on the fanservice 29
  • The pacing of the sequence was too fast 79
  • The pacing of the sequence was too slow 3
  • The pacing of the sequence was uneven 17
  • The pacing of the sequence was adequate 70
  • I liked that this sequence made use of an established IP 107
  • I would have preferred a similar project with OCs 151
  • 2023-11-24
  • 1665 votes
{'title': 'LOZ: Tears of the Wardrobe Feedback', 'choices': [{'text': "I'm a Zelda fan and I liked the sequence", 'votes': 328}, {'text': "I'm a Zelda fan but I didn't like the sequence", 'votes': 14}, {'text': "I'm not a Zelda fan but I liked the sequence", 'votes': 166}, {'text': "I'm not a Zelda fan and I didn't like the sequence", 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'The artwork/paneling was great', 'votes': 261}, {'text': 'The artwork/paneling was serviceable for the story', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'The artwork/paneling could use some work', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I prefer the more comic-page style of previous projects', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'I prefer the more vertical, webcomic-like style of this project', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'I like both styles depending on the project', 'votes': 157}, {'text': "I wish there'd been more focus on the story/development of characters", 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'There was a good balance of story and fanservice', 'votes': 177}, {'text': "I wish there'd been more focus on the fanservice", 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'The pacing of the sequence was too fast', 'votes': 79}, {'text': 'The pacing of the sequence was too slow', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'The pacing of the sequence was uneven', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'The pacing of the sequence was adequate', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'I liked that this sequence made use of an established IP', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'I would have preferred a similar project with OCs', 'votes': 151}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 24, 23, 1, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1665}


Tears of the Wardrobe is done! It's been a fun project, I tried a lot of new stuff with this one. But now it's about time I asked you all what you thought of it. Please be honest, I'll take things constructively and try to take what I can into account for future projects!

So vote on the options you most agree with, and if you have specific feedback you'd like to offer, please leave a comment. I'd really appreciate it.



As far as content, quality, length, interest, etc. It’s easily the best comic I believe you’ve done, with only Losing Control in comparison to match (for me personally). Though that’s partially because I’m a fan of the game. I feel that what raises the bar is that its a weird mesh of being a kink-focused comic mixed with a love for the series. It’s more than just a regular sequence piece of ‘Zelda gets fatter’ that has been done numerous times before, but also littered with well thought-out Easter eggs from the game (Koroks, Zelda’s secret well, the jingle, the school drawing on the last page, Hateno Cheese being an actual cooking ingredient in the game, along with being able to make the different meals on page eight.) I had mentioned in my criticism for Couple Stuff in that the story seemed to rapidly skip ahead with Shannon’s gain practically doubling over the next page. With Tears of the Wardrobe however, it’s all evenly paced. I feel that whatever size would be the reader’s favorite, it was covered in at least one of the pages and given focus. The chibi versions of characters were an adorable touch, and somewhat preferred them in comparison simply because I love the contrast of small/thin vs large/fat. Somewhat reminded me of the Teen Titans cartoon. Though it was a bit conflicting to look at with pages eight and nine when Rauru wasn’t in this form and Sonia was as they were right next to each other. I understand that the focus is on Zelda, and that this was most likely done to not take away from that while also having less on the page, but I think it might have been better if Rauru was also in the small chibi form for page eight. The only slight disappointment I experienced checking in every week was page four, in that it was the realization that it wasn’t exactly a sequel series or an original tale, but just a retelling of the original game plot with the weight gain twist infused with it (or an alternate fat timeline, whatever works for LoZ). Part of it is that you already sort of know what will happen next. The other is that alone also causes more questions for the comic. Was Ganon set free? What does Link do all this time? Why does he go to the light dragon? Etc. None of this distracts from the main selling point of course, which is just sexy fat fiction. As I said from the start, I think this is the best you’ve done, but I’m not sure if I would think differently if this was based on a franchise I was unfamiliar with and couldn’t pick up on all the little fan-service tidbits scattered around. I think the web-comic style worked for this for the imagery of everything, think it all just depends on the project and how it visually tells the story. The final note I will say is that it was also a nice comic in your style to see differ in plot in that it was less realistic and more fictional. Looking forward to the next comic, regardless on whether it takes place in the real world or a concept more out there. 10/10


I love how LARGE Zelda got🥵❤️❤️

Joe Smith

I liked that it was Zelda, but I also would've greatly enjoyed something similar with OCs (like Val & her bf) I love the sequence though. And Salt's characters always look good, be they established or original.


To make this concise, I REALLY loved the paneling in this series. The technique behind each part was very impressive, and the fact that pretty much every page had a new "fanservice" perspective was really cool. The story stayed consistent for me, though I LOVED the more introspective parts (pages 3, 8, 10, and especially 11) (That's personal taste talking though). Looking at what you accomplished with this series, I am interested to see how your next project will take shape! Ratings/10 (With 5 being average) Story......6 (high points were an 8) Fanservice..........8.5 Pacing..................7 Paneling..............9.5 Outside of personal preferences, this is your best (on a technical and mechanical level) series to date.

Guy Face Thrace

The plot kinda spoiled my playthrough of the game, haha Also, your OCs are delightful, so more of them is always a win. You've got great stuff with your main girls (Chloe and Nat), but it's been *a minute* since we've seen them in a comic. I'd love one about Nat getting absolutely ENORMOUS, because of her grumpy brat energy! Maybe in a non-canon way (it was all a dream!), because those OCs seem to have their own progression thing going on. Maybe she starts dating a closeted feeder...?


I loved this series a lot! Haven't played the Zelda games, but I love her various character designs. If I had any issue with this series, it's that focusing on a single character for so long wears the novelty a bit thin. The artwork is still amazing, but it's almost like you start to know what to expect, if that makes sense...? Additionally, my personal favorite parts of any story are character interactions, so larger casts help keep me glued to my seat because the focus of the story can change at any time (though Link being traditionally mute makes that understandably trickier in this scenario). There's also the fun of varying sizes and body types -- a slightly longer version of something like Tipping the Scales could be nifty, or perhaps the much-clambered-for epic of Nat, Chloe, and co. Another idea that might help with variety would be spacing out the release of pages a bit more (maybe once a week or even once every two weeks) if you want to focus on a single character without making them 50% of your content for two months. And briefly on the pacing since that seemed to be the most commonly cited concern, I think it was very good overall... I don't think you could have done much better for the scope of this story if you wanted her to be bigger in every page. Having a couple of pages between size jumps might have helped to ground things a bit, but there's only so much you can do gradually in 13 pages. It was certainly nice to see the upgrade to full shading for these, but I'm wondering if a higher volume of flat-color illustrations would be a potential solution? Just a shower thought, lol.

Chroma L

Loved the comic, but from what I found is that if you want to separate from the crowd, you’ve got to strike a balance between the wg and the story, a good sequence with both is more likely to keep me engaged, so if that means not every page has fan service but has character work that is building up to it, I’ll be far more engaged


This was my favorite sequence so far, which is saying something because I would have said that about Selene's and Serena's before that. It was the right length, well paced in terms of size transitions, and ended at a nice size. I loved the secondary fattening of another character in the sequence, and that the premise of the story wasn't too crazy, even if it was a bit simplistic. That being said, if you are looking for subjects of future sequences, I'd love to see a similar length sequence and size up with some of the OCs (Maybe making it non-cannon so that the size can really go nuts).

Toon Boy

I thought the comic was enduring but it wasn’t my favorite. The middle felt lack luster and Some of the pages in the middle felt filler and a little unimaginative (ex: the part where she transforms into dragon. Maybe show the dragon body up close to See how it looks. That be cool.) still for a Zelda weight gain comic it matches in line to what you’d expect and fits the lore of the game lol

sad hammerhead

About the question about OC's: whenever you do stories or comics with oc's it feels a lot more stylized, personal and meticulous for some reason. When it's existing characters it's like 'oh, neat, fat art of this character!' but when it's oc's it's lore, worldbuilding, characters that were never supposed to be thin in the first place with a stoey suiting their gain, fitting personalities. I just think oc projects are where your art really shines, also because I like every one of your oc's very much.


Totally agree. Especially when the main character of the gain in the comic already has so much fat art out in the world, it would have been nicer to just see OC's instead. Especially Salt OC's, who are God Tier.

Hog Horror

i dont say this for many books, less so for horny novels but i would literally buy a physical copy of this, it was so good imo


as a zelda fan i loved this. there's not enough good art of botw/totk zelda, and especially not enough good fat art. i would love to see this comic expanded at some point!