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What do you think? Can she finish the whole thing?

This is a piece I really wanted to do of Rebecca from Edens Zero, based heavily off of this image by Mashima himself:

This one was a lot of fun for me, I hope you all enjoy it!

You can find an Explicit Edit of this piece here! 




God I'd love more Lucy artwork. Maybe even the og series redone, especially page 7.


Noticed that with a lot of these post descriptions lately that you say "I felt like doing *insert character name here*" or "I really wanted to do *insert character name here*". Seeing as this one is Rebecca, I'm willing to bet a certain someone talked you into drawing her.


Not surprised Lucy got brought up despite this not being her. Her and Rebecca here look extremely similar, to a point that they might as well be the same character.


I'm aware this is Rebecca and not Lucy. I'm just saying that I'd love more Lucy artwork.


So much cream :3


No, I drew this back in June because it was Rebecca's birthday and I got an itch to draw the original piece from the description fat. It was originally just going to be a sketch for fun but I really liked how it turned out and wanted to make a full piece out of it. Some people don't believe I want to do these pieces of Rebecca and Lucy, but I do. I watched Fairy Tail long before I even started posting art and have always liked Lucy, and I actually like Rebecca more. The description wasn't a lie, this exists because I wanted to draw it.


You know that's not what I'm saying, Sad. Why would I be here paying money (for years no less) if I didn't like fat girls?


Great job capturing the original style!