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Well well well… If it isn’t the consequences of her actions…

And with this, the Hammy Sammy trilogy comes to a close! I had a great time working on these, I hope all of you enjoyed it as well!




This is amazing!


AFADFKJLSDFJ -- Mother of Goats, Salt! She's a frickin' beachball 🤣😍 Wow, what a wild ride...


Since Nat and Sammy had a trilogy, is it Chloe’s turn to have a trilogy?


Get the belly rubs ready for application stat!

Cambel Milton

Looks like Sammy's attempts to eating healthy lead to binge eating. I wish there was something we could do to make her feel better like giving her lots of soothing belly rubs and help her make amends with her fat self.

Zero Two

this has to be one of the best stuffed fat guts i’ve ever seen 😳

Griffin Burgers

This came out amazing salt! She looks really big and stuffed! Love how fat the rest of her looks! The sweat is a nice touch! Shows how hot she is from being so stuffed🥰😍❤


Insanely stuffed what a glutton 🤤


my primary question, aside from trying to like ask her out or something idk, is "why did she do that?"


Good lord what a belly. Not just the size, but you can really tell how stuffed she is. She looks about ready to burst. This is definitely one of your best works yet Salt


Why do I feel like Sammy is going to finally get a boyfriend, but it is going to be the door dash driver she always gets and plot twist: he's a feeder.


This needs to happen. And then she ends up being the fattest one of the main quartet, bigger than Chloe.


Ma'am, you still have Pizza left. FINISH IT.


I was fully expecting that part 3 would be Sammy jerking off on the couch, but this is almost as good.


I mean it might be hard to catch up to Nat if she and Halie start dating 👀


Chloe might actually end up being the skinny one between the three of them. Now THAT would be a plot twist.


That said, I think Sammy’s complete lack of self control combined with a feeder who’s enabling her is a more powerful combo than Nat being oblivious to how fat Halie is making her.

Joe Smith

As awesome as it would be for Sammy to get a boyfriend, I get the feeling that her wanting one is just gonna be a running gag that never ends up being fulfilled.


Super big and hungry lady :3