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Thank you very much to all of you who left me well wishes on the post my assistant made at the start of the week! It was a nice moral boost to read through all of them.

I’m still recovering, but I’m mostly better at this point! I look forward to getting back to things!


James Duke

I'm so sorry that you've been ill. Take as much time as you need!


Hope your recovery continues well!


You got this Salt. Your a legend

ARK Redeemer

Take all the time you need, Salt!

Drew Cornog

Go at your own pace, we are a patient lot.


Good to hear that you're getting better. Don't rush yourself back to your normal schedule before you're ready, and here's hoping for a speedy full recovery!


Great to hear things are going better! Hang in there!


Better With Salt got better, with salt.


Take care


Take care, salt. Don't push yourself to work.

Toon Boy

We hope you recover; take your time, and thanks for being awesome with your fans and creating awesome content