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You see, the title is actually a very clever reference to the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (also known as "The Night Before Christmas"), wherein the titular character's large belly "shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly" - in an example of both metaphor and rhyme, demonstrating Clement Clarke Moore's literary skill.

Here, too, Melony (The Circhester City Gym Leader from the game Pokémon Shield, one of the games that kicked off Pokemon's 8th generation when released in 2019 for the portable hybrid Nintendo Switch console) has a sizeable gut, and is attempting (and failing) to dress in a Santa-like manner, establishing a clear thematic parallel.

And thus, I have explained my joke. You may now laugh. Ho ho ho!




*funny comment*


The look on Deliberd's face is what sold it to me

Brand Mark

Interesting, I didn't know that


Deliberd’s flat face practically screams "girl you should really lay off the cookies this year". Cause now he’s got to probably deliver all the gifts thanks to melony being too jolly and plump for Christmas.

Guy Face Thrace

Hmm, I think her eyes are a bit too far apart. I only noticed it because you always draw such excellent faces. Amazing work as always though!


I would laugh, but I'm too busy admiring her physique (plus she'd probably misinterpret the laugh as something generally rude to women). This turned out nicely! Looking forward to the sequence of her when it's done, and I'm personally hoping she'll be even bigger then she is here!


Lovely picture! Her tits and belly are great, and the Delibird is a nice touch.


I actually noticed that myself and fixed it XD Thanks for the criticism!

Zeo, the Loyal

Your work is honestly the best! 👌🏾


Nice joke. It's a real bone tickler. A certifiable hoot. An absolute sidesplitter. It is funny


i know the focus is spposed to be on melony, but delibird's face kills me 💀 another job well done


I wonder if she emptied Delibird's sack? Think she could pull off Santa for her kids if she wore a beard?