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Yesterday, this Patreon crossed the 6k milestone! This is a huge deal, and I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to all of you. Whether you've just signed up or have been pledged for some time, know that your support means the world, and has been the reason behind me being able to do this full-time. I hope I can continue to produce content for you all well into the future.

On the subject of content, there were some milestone goals for reaching 6k.  The main one is an additional poll every month:

Along with the monthly normal and lewd polls, you all will now get the chance to suggest/vote on a sketch upgrade or old piece redo that will be done on-stream at the beginning of the following month!

One more thing, as a celebration for reaching 6k, there will be a special 3-part sequence poll going up for everyone to vote on later this week! (the suggestion post for $10+ patrons will be going up shortly after this post)

Thanks again for sticking with me, and here's to hoping I get to make more of these milestone posts in the future!



So happy for you! You deserve it

Marcus Bradford

Hello? Fat fetish artist? I’d like to commission a weight LOSS comic!


Woah, congrats, dude! That's huge! Oh, also, question. If you drop below 6k, will we lose the milestone perks?

Spectral Spider

congrats on hitting 6K !!! You deserve it dude :)


YAAAY I'm so happy for you Salt, you really deserve it! Looking forward to the redos, they're always so interesting to see your development. Treat yourself a little, maybe a lottle even 😜


Congrats!! You deserve it, you're doing amazing work :)

Sullied Grace

yeah you do amazing work, you deserve to keep on rising. Good luck and we are here for ya.


Well deserved :)


Congrats! So glad to be along on the ride with you 🙂


Congratulations, my Salty friend!


Awesome! Congrats!


That’s super amazing!! I’m so happy for you!