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The girls are utilizing Mei's creation to push Momo's creation quirk even further


yeah, that's a good excuse for why they're doing this

You can find an Explicit Edit of this piece here! 




This is fantastic! This scene works really well for the characters


There seems to be a lot of hypocrisy surrounding the nature of her quirk. Logically, this would make her a much more capable hero, would it not? I’m curious why there is such an aversion to normalized fat protagonists in anime.


Is this.... a sequence?!?!?!


Ay, nice call back


I think it's because developers don't want to endorse something very commonly viewed as unhealthy, even if it means going against body positivity at the same time. It's a pretty big (pun unintended) double standard, and it's something they should stop doing.

Bigby Lies

Oooh my god, I love the way you draw this couple so much! I really hope you do more passionate stuff with them in the future like the pocky game plus ultra, cause you do these two soooo well!


And then Jiro takes a turn in the chair.

Captain Rocko

Why mush all of your art be so perfect for an explicit treatment! 😍


Man can it even handle that much thickness ☺

Matthew Allen

Who would want to see a momo comic like the lucy one?