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Hello everyone~ 

I've been spending the morning getting the PDF for Joy-Stick #06 finished up. I'm pulling my hair our trying to find out why the export is so blurry, but aside from that, it's done!!!!
I have a couple pages of concept sketches I want to add, so if I can't figure out the resolution issue, I'll just re-make them to match the full-size pages and that should be fine, so no real worries. UoU;

I went back in and fixed (hopefully) all of the spelling errors and made the text a little nicer. The font was a bit too big and made the pages feel cramped, so that fix makes everything look a whole lot nicer, imo. 

Pages will continue to update for the coming weeks, and the final page will be up on Feb 17th. I'll be releasing the comic in full on my itchio page either that night, or the following weekend. ^-^ Oh! And I set up a Gumroad page the other week, and it'll be available on there as well. I have all my previous comics there, too! It was a tedious task to say the least. :'3

Anyway, that's all for now! I'll have more updates about the next comic soon! <3
