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Hi all,

Thanks to all for feedback from my plea this morning :)

I have done some slight changes to the Patreon level pledges in hope to offer more value to all levels in some manner. You can read the details on the main Patreon page but here is the quick and dirty on the changes.

Feedback welcome.

$1 pledge – no change other than description

$5 pledge – you now have a vote in Patreon only mini sets (see below on what these mini sets are all about) I also updated the value of a $5 pledge (go read it ;) 

$10  - A commitment from me to get work in progress updates out more often, in fact every week you will get a new set of WIP images even if its 1 image.

NEW $20+  level – big change here, $20 + gets EXCLUSIVE mini sets (30-50 Mongo Bongo size sets) that  we all vote on. The idea here is people will bounce up an down at this level as you get what you want sorta thing and I wont list this in stores etc... .if a set genre wins that month you like, then bounce up grab the set then bounce back down to the level you wish. These sets will be no place else, no blog no DA, no tumblr,  no stores etc.… just here. * 1-2 teaser images may be out there for marketing.

$50 – same as always but I have reduced this to only 2 spots down from 4 as I am not doing a good job keeping up with images due to time :( These Patreons deserve more focus from me, this was the best idea I had to make sure I can give them the time needed and keep pace monthly.

$250 same no change you’re the director I render the images.



Also dude, YOU should narrow it down to 2-4 ideas, otherwise like you said there will be 100 fucking crazy ideas with new models and the time crunch will be bad as ever. Make rules like, existing girls, existing or easily modified partners etc.

Didi & Nok' Tus

whatever you decide my friend, make sure it's a labor of love ;] ...and keep up the good work!


I hear you! I do love doing this i just wish I could focus on it Vs worry about stuff like payi ng bills and eating lol


I agree with Akagi. Rules like, "ready to render content". Whenever I requested a commission, I stayed with characters and sets already done by 3DZen :) Only so many hours in a day, y'know!


I lost my commission slot. dang :( Let me know when a slot becomes available, please :)

Jake theberge

Maybe he can alternate, give people two or three months then allow someone else to sign up.

Jake theberge

@3Dzen: If you have any pre made models that haven't been used for sets you should post them with the set options, along with all your established models. We can vote on the set ideas and the models all at once, if that's realistic.


good idea too much work you have to trust the girl will be good looking ;)


This what is fair to you and the Patreons both so render on. Good ideas.