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Hi all.

First I apologies for lack of updates this week however there is a good reason for it. I spent the better part of 4 days learning C4D and the past 2 days learning VRay and I am starting to get it. My plan is to keep my head buried in these tools the next few weeks, literally non-stop. I feel this will improve my overall quality in a lot of areas but you will be the judge of that. So bear with me a bit, less random single renders but the sets are still being worked on etc…

Below are some teaser images from “Erin and Vikki VI:Therapy” 

I want to let all you know I’m going to use these as preliminary teasers on my blog and Tumblr and post 4-5 images in a day or two for Patreon only, including a little surprise in this story ;) so do not fret Patreon’s will get some nonpublic images shortly. 

The short version is Dr Carlson,  in charge of delivering therapy to over sexed girls, to "help them" control them self, has her male nurse Jeffry helping here and a volunteer student also assisting in today's session. Much more detail to come on whats going on here.

$10 + Patreons will be getting the first 50 or so tomorrow, I have admittedly been slaking there too while I learn some stuff. 

Big Images:








It looks really realistic and extremely sexy!! I cant wait


thanks mansomeone gave me feedback form last set asking for more angles per image, im trying to give you all 3-4 angles and POVs for each image :)


Looks like some your best work. I cant tell uv put alot of gard work into this. Looks really really hot


Well i very much apreciate your art! So good so hot. Worth every penny

Lying Lark

what happened to Erins balls? is this part of the therapy or is it a change?


I was thinkin that. It doesnt look very realistic without them but who gives a shit


I dont make real life stuff :-P its all make pretend

Bob Fink

So looking forward to seeing the finished product!