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Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are done, its really just the set up for the story not much action yet but its important to set things up, for me anyway :) This is moving a little slower than i hoped, 4 different scene set ups each taking 2 days to a week to get right :-/

21 images with a comic version and a clean image version out to $10 Patreons in a minute ;) 

Couple teasers below for my other Patreons







I think that ginger has a bubble butt. Correct me if im wrong


ha! Well, I will leave judgment to that when her cloths are off ;) soon very soon :)


I look forward to it ;)


Its not futa is it? Please say no. Im happy to see futa in erin and vikki and the other one u did. But i feel like 3dx is getting too involved with futa


nope :) I try and balance out sets, couple ELf/Ork, Monsters etc... then a Couple Futa with a non consensual in the mix in between ;) this is not a futa set nor is Sonya once I start that nor is the Gamer set.


Dude, how can I decide on a commission request when you keep making so many hot girls?!? :-D Zoey is great!


It makes me sad seeing so many of my favourite 3dx artists too involved with futa. Detomasso is my favourite artist and his art (his sexual goddess lara, perfection) is getting too involved with it. And crux: wtf?!? His lara is special to me, his lara never looked so hot in october. Ever since this year his art has been going down hill, which sadens me. Detomasso and hitmanx3z are the 2 reasons that got me into 3dx and how i discovered it, from there i discovered so many amazing artists such as zen. Sorry i got a little sad tracked with detomasso. Anyway Even though this futa thing is getting a little hectic, 3dx has never been so good, realistic and sexy these past 3 years.


I hear you, I try to go 50-50 at teh very least ;)


That's understandable zen. Futa is like a tradition for your art (the beginning of erin and vikki) , like thedude3dx. Im not one to want to go over board with it though. Thanks for the reply buddy