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Eric Felix

Great start, I've only got a couple suggestions: try a different shade of green for the futa's hair, not sure why but this one seems off. Also, a little bit more muscle definition for the futa - just so the abs pop and make her body a bit different from the other girl's. Other than that it's looking really good.


A bit more abs definition on the futa. Maybe a different shae of green. On the chick a bit more chest. They are looking pretty good

Lying Lark

I actually like both hair styles, is this a mock up for the alien set or is this a continuing series


Looks good


They look good as they are


I also like the way the look as they are presented here


like them...good diversity with body shapes, green hair not so keen on looks like a sexy troll. interesting thou as always...

Magnus Carolinus

Assuming we are talking aggressive futa then definitely more muscle tone. Also the faces look very similar (great, but similar) so perhaps the futa needs a but more hardness to the face, especially if she is being more of a dominatrix. Don't mind the hair colour that much.


They both look good to me. Maybe some minor tinkering as suggested but I like them as they are.


Damn you are really working hard on making them look even more... perfect i'm honestly in love with the hair colour of both of them and with also their tan really gives them something more. Honestly for the female she's okay like this i don't think she needs nothing more maybe her hips a little bit thicker; instead for the futa i would say maybe add a tattoo or two on her body like a Maori one where you prefer and maybe as all the others said a little bit more muscular too

Liam Devlin

Concur on the abs for the futa babe. Pls DON'T make the purple haired vixen ridiculously busty. DON'T DO it. Variety reasons... As for the hair colors, something that contrasts works for me. As to our Futa's cock? Less length PLS. Make her a "grower" not a "Show-er" if you catch my meaning... let her erect girth be a SURPRISE instead of an expectation... Those are my 2-cents Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV)

Liam Devlin

And congratulations on growing your Patronage memberships! 200 is not far away! :)


I am with liam on the grower not shower bit like "house call" and yes make the non futa petite it would be a nice contrast :)