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Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape are here!

You know, for an east Asian 'game', KK has very little Chinese themed outfits (some, not many though), and that makes it rather difficult to even find a starting point for some of these outfits.

Chimchar's, I'll admit, isn't the best. Since KK doesn't really have the ability to put more than one Top on, we're very limited in how we can fit pieces together through other ways. Instead, the outfit I gave her is more of a resemblance. Meanwhile, her cute little fire tail makes up for it. Also, her hair lick is actually more of a swirl with the original Pokemon design, so I made it a swirl instead of a lick.

Monferno's sprite is rather large for a second-stage evo, and unfortunately there is no backsprite, so I have no idea what that side-cloth thing is supposed to be attached to. Regardless, Monferno here went through about 6 iterations before being complete - I kept returning to change her hair, the fluff, her clothes, etc. Her final appearance is probably not actually final, as I'm sure I'll find a reason to come back to her later.

Then there's Infernape. Over on the Discord I went through an in-depth explanation for how her hair was made, at least the front part, while her ponytail follows the same process with the alpha mask. And yes, astute observers may notice the Zelda themed armor pieces. Once again, go ahead and look for a more appropriate piece! I actually rather like the crossover.

In fact, I deliberately chose to give her a Saiyan tail because of how cute it looks. Infernape is a Chinese, DBZ, Zelda mishmash and I love it.

Hope you do too. Enjoy!



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